Jefferson Historical Society
Jefferson Facts
Jefferson is the county seat of Ashtabula County. The Courthouse and Jail are located here and have been since the formation of the county.
Jefferson was named for President Jefferson by Gideon Granger who was the Postmaster-General in his Cabinet, and who owned all the township land.
Jefferson Village was laid out by Granger with 9 avenues east & west crossing 7 street north & south, with several squares of public land established. It was modeled after Philadelphia with the same names. Jefferson & Market was planned as the center but the village grew instead at Jefferson & Chestnut where the ground was slightly higher, and thus the courthouse was built there.
Photo: Jefferson Historical Society
We are looking for volunteers who would love to come to the museum and help us put our records in good order. Not only do you get to help your community by helping preserve its history, but you get to have a good time with other volunteers who also love serving their community. What kinds of things would you do? Well, we get a lot of request for information on families that were pioneers here. Most of the time these are from people who live out of state. A lot of research is done on the old microfilm reader we got from the library. We also have some old bound copies of the Jefferson Gazette from the seventies which are fun to go through. We especially need to have volunteers to help us when we put on events, programs and fund raisers.
There is a challenge to the board for each member to bring in at least one new helper this year. If you know someone on the board and you want to have them meet their goal, let them know you are willing to help. I need someone new to meet my goal so if any of my friends out there want to do a good deed on my behalf, please give me a call.
Officers and Trustees of the Jefferson Historical Society
We Need Volunteers
Norma J. Waters - President
Dave Martin - Vice President, Newsletter Editor
Mary Howe - Secretary
Pat Inman - Treasurer
Kathy Housel - Historian
Ginny Seifert - Trustee
Don Burkholder - Trustee
Betsy Zwaduk - Trustee, Research Volunteer
Barbara Hamilton - Trustee, Train Show Committee
*Gary Tabor - Train Show Committee
*Ken Morton - Train Show Committee
*Not members of the Board, but important contributors
Jefferson Historical Society, Inc. Board Meetings: Second Monday of the month, 6:00 P.M. at the Museum.